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Use What You Got

In the 3rd chapter of the book of Exodus, we read the story of how God called Moses to be His voice to Pharaoh. We read that Moses saw a burning bush and in verse 4 God called unto him out of the midst of the burning bush. Moses, like most of us would do if we had been in that same situation, answered and said “here am I.” I love how the next few verses the Lord tells Moses who He is and that He has a job for Moses. In verse 11, Moses asked God, ‘who am I that I should go to Pharaoh.” God tells Moses something that we all need to remember, that He will be with him in the quest. It is important to remember in today’s world that God is still with us. He will not leave nor forsake us. I wish I would have been a fly on the wall for the next part of the conversation. Moses asks God who should he say unto them sent him. God answers Moses in verse 14, with the words, ‘I AM THAT I AM.” God tells Moses to tell the children of Israel that I AM hath sent him. This is powerful. I AM is not a past tense name, but a present and a forever name. He is still God today. The I AM is still on the throne today. However, Moses still argues with God. How many of us are arguing with God, not wanting to move forward in our relationship with Him, or to move forward in the ministry He has called us into?

Then Moses does something that we all have been guilty of at some point in our lives. Moses starts making excuses. One excuse is his speech (chapter 4 v 10), another is that he wants some company to journey with him. Still, he has another excuse. This excuse is the same excuse many of us still use today. Moses was telling God; they won’t believe me. God reveals something to Moses and He is revealing it to us. He asked Moses what was in his hand. The answer was a staff. Moses threw the staff on the ground and it became a serpent. God then told Moses to put his hand on his chest. When Moses did this his hand was leprous. God was showing Moses that he had everything he needed. God had provided everything. He was telling Moses use what you got. To many of us, we think we need money, degrees, famous last names, or power to work for God, but God has already given us what we need.

When David went to fight Goliath, he had a sling and 5 smooth stones. We read that John the Baptist had an incredibly unique wardrobe and diet. Ruth had a strong sense of dedication and a great work ethic. The disciples were not rich or educated, but they believed Jesus. The three Hebrew children that were thrown into the fiery furnace did not have a flame retardant suit or a fire extinguisher, but God provided.

God will provide as long as we are willing. We have all we need to work for Him. He gave us His word and He sent us the Holy Spirit as a guide. His word tells us that with faith we can move mountains. My question is are we willing to step out and use what He has given us to complete the job that He has given us? Too many of us are making excuses of why we aren’t good enough to work for God. However, I know that God will provide if we trust Him. He is still I AM. Just like with Moses, God will go with us. What has He called you to do? If you take a minute and have some faith, you will realize that He has already given you everything you need to get the job done. Use what you got, He provided it.

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